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Varun Dhawan

Varun Dhawan

Product @ Microsoft Azure Data ☁️

Varun Dhawan is a Senior Product Manager @Microsoft where he works in Azure Open Source Database team focusing on PostgreSQL and Azure Monitor. Prior to Microsoft, Varun had worked at Target Corp, and McKinsey & Company on Observability, Database as a Service and Cloud. ❤️ blogging-

POSETTE 2024 Talk

What Makes Azure Database for PostgreSQL Great for Developers?

(Livestream 3)

What matters to developers in a managed database service for PostgreSQL? Of course you care about integration with other tools, ease of configuration, data protection, and performance tuning. But what else? In this talk, discover 8 things in Azure Database for PostgreSQL you'll find useful. What are these 8 features? Let’s find out!

Learn how Flexible Server not only supports the latest open source Postgres release but also integrates with 60 essential extensions such as pgvector, PostGIS, and TimescaleDB—plus how Azure Bicep can simplify your deployment processes. We'll also detail how AAD (EntraID) makes connectivity straightforward and secure.

Additionally, we'll examine integrations with popular developer tools including Azure Open AI, Power BI, and Azure Data Studio. With Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server, you'll likely also appreciate customizable configuration flags, Query Store, and Performance Insights.

This session is ideal for anyone interested in running on a cloud-based PostgreSQL service, from beginners to seasoned users. Join us to learn how these 8 features in Azure Database for PostgreSQL features can make your life better in the cloud.

Speaker Interview

About the Speaker

  • Which book are you reading right now?

    I'm currently revisiting "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, for the third time. This book has a powerful message that resonates with me: "If you can get 1% better each day for one year, you'll end up 37 times better by the time you're done." I've been applying this idea to my daily work and learning habits. Every day, I aim to improve just a little bit, whether it’s sharpening my coding skills or managing my tasks more efficiently. This approach has really helped me enhance my productivity and growth without feeling overwhelmed. It’s a fantastic read for anyone looking to make steady, manageable improvements in their life.

About PostgreSQL

  • What inspired you to work with PostgreSQL?

    My journey with PostgreSQL began when my old job switched to using open-source software. I had always worked with big-name databases like Oracle and SQL Server, and honestly, I didn't think an open-source database could keep up. But I was wrong. PostgreSQL wasn’t just keeping up; it was doing better in many ways, especially with cool features like PostGIS and JSON support.

    What really won me over was the community behind PostgreSQL. It's not just one big company running everything; it’s a bunch of really smart people who’ve spent their lives making this awesome free tool. These people are like superheroes to me, and I just couldn’t miss the chance to work with them and help out. That’s what inspires me to stick with PostgreSQL.

Past Talks

Do more with less: How to reduce your PostgreSQL costs on Azure (Citus Con 2023)

The Postgres team at Microsoft is proud to be the organizer of POSETTE: An Event for Postgres (formerly Citus Con).