Citus Blog

Articles tagged: community

When you find yourself answering the same questions again and again, it’s a good idea to blog about it. Which is why this post about Citus Con: An Event for Postgres exists: to answer your questions, and share the news about this first-ever, inaugural event.

Citus Con: An Event for Postgres is a free and virtual developer event happening in April 2022, organized by the Postgres and Citus team here at Microsoft. Speakers will come from different parts of the Postgres ecosystem, including Postgres users, Citus open source users, Azure Database for PostgreSQL customers, and developers/experts in PostgreSQL and Postgres extensions, like Citus.

The Call for Proposals (CFP) for Citus Con is open until Feb 6th. Whether this will be your 1000th conference talk or your very 1st, we’d love to see what Postgres experiences you have to share.

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If you’ve never done it before, you might be daunted by the idea of giving a conference talk. You know: the work involved, the butterflies, how to make it a good talk and not a boring one, the people who might judge you… And perhaps the hardest bit: choosing a topic others will find interesting.

[Updated for 2024]: For the 3rd year in a row, I’m the chair of the talk selection team for a free and virtual developer conference that is now called POSETTE: An Event for Postgres, formerly called Citus Con. I’ve also served on talk selection committees for PgDaySF 2020 and PGDay Chicago 2024. Wearing my talk selection team hat, as I reached out to spread the word about open CFPs such as the CFP for POSETTE, people would sometimes ask:

Why give a talk at a Postgres conference?

This post will walk you through the ways you, your team, your project—and especially the Postgres community—can benefit from a talk you give.

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Craig Kerstiens

Contributing to Postgres

Written byBy Craig Kerstiens | January 15, 2019Jan 15, 2019

About once a month I get this question: "How do I contribute to Postgres?". PostgreSQL is a great database with a solid code base and for many of us, contributing back to open source is a worthwhile cause. The thing about contributing back to Postgres is you generally don't just jump right in and commit code on day one. So figuring out where to start can be a bit overwhelming. If you're considering getting more involved with Postgres, here's a few tips that you may find helpful.

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Craig Kerstiens

Contributing to Postgres via patch review

Written byBy Craig Kerstiens | March 31, 2018Mar 31, 2018

Citus is an open source extension to Postgres that transforms Postgres into a distributed database, scaling horizontally. The fact that Citus is built on top of Postgres is a huge benefit to our users: it means that when you choose Citus, you get all the great features that are available in Postgres. And Postgres itself is an awesome database. Awesome. As a team, we value the foundation we're built on and regularly aim to contribute back to it. We have a number of developers that have contributed to Postgres over the years from features like watch, event triggers, and the PostgreSQL extension framework.

Recently a few more of our engineers expressed an interest in giving back to the PostgreSQL community. In fact it's a common question, how can we better help the PostgreSQL project? And a common answer is reviewing patches. To help kick start that process we organized a session and carved out a few days just for patch review during the most recent commitfest.

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