First PGConf Silicon Valley Speakers Announced

Written by Ozgun Erdogan
July 23, 2015

As a member of the PGConf Silicon Valley Conference Committee, I'm extremely happy with the volume and quality of the talks submitted to the conference. The Committee has been working hard on sorting through the talks, and I am pleased to announce the first 5 of the 24 total breakout sessions:

  • Grant McAlister, Senior Principal Engineer for, on “Cloud Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL - What’s New and Lessons Learned”
  • Kenny Gorman, CTO of Data for Rackspace, on “Cloud PostgreSQL Automation Management with Ansible”
  • Magnus Hagander, Database Architect for Redpill Linpro, on “What’s New in PostgreSQL 9.5”
  • Ryan Lowe, Production Engineer at Square, on “Postgres for MySQL DBAs”
  • Matthew Kelly, In House Postgres Expert for TripAdvisor, on “At the Heart of a Giant: Postgres at TripAdvisor”

PGConf Silicon Valley is November 17-18, 2015 at the South San Francisco Conference Center. It is a technical conference aimed at the local Silicon Valley PostgreSQL community and is an opportunity for leading industry experts and the local PostgreSQL community to discuss and learn about the major new capabilities of PostgreSQL 9.4 (and 9.5!) and how to optimize a PostgreSQL environment.

If you plan to attend, Super Saver pricing is available through July 25, 2015. You can reserve your seat now by visiting the conference website.

In addition to great talks, we're also pleased to see great support from sponsors with Platinum level sponsor 2ndQuadrant joined by additional sponsors EnterpriseDB, VividCortex, PostgreSQL Experts, and Consistent State. We're also happy to welcome our first two media sponsors, Database Trends & Applications and Datanami.

We hope you will register now to attend the conference at the highly discounted Super Saver rates, which end on July 25, 2015. See you in November!

Ozgun Erdogan

Written by Ozgun Erdogan

Co-founder & CTO of Citus Data. Former Postgres engineering team director at Microsoft. Worked on distributed systems at Amazon. Speaker at PGCon, XLDB Conf, DataEngConf, PostgresOpen, & QCon. Dad.